Lapis Lazuli: Allows awakening to your personal mystical abilities through its high vibrations. Moves pettiness behind you, bringing closure which opens and enables you to continue on your path of your true destiny. Widen your comprehension while utilizing Lapis to ensure clear channels of communication. A support to those experiencing blocks with self-expression and self-cognizance.
Rainbow Moonstone: Known to provide harmony, stability and desires while magnifying creativity, compassion, fortitude inner trust. Awakens intuition and psychic consciousness, gifting insight and intuitive visions by providing a window to awareness not immediately obvious.
Pearls: As an support to balance the physical body and its natural rhythms, pearls can intensify lunar and water energies. This allows productive and emotional thought patterns to move through the aura with light, allowing one to amplify truth and loyalty. Use the moonlight to clear and cleanse them, as the hold their energies eternally. A guiding Divine Light in ones search for discovery and understanding of one’s true self.